Expert meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expert
As noun : अतालिक Ex:  She was an expert in fox trot.
अभ्यस्त व्यक्ति Ex:  He is an expert in Botany. अर्थकोविद Ex:  She is expert in making chololate puffs. आढ़ Ex:  My mother is an expert cook. उस्ताद Ex:  She is expert in crochet work. उ:   उस्ताद फ़याज़ खां चिकन की कढाई के विशेषज्ञ थे। एक्सपर्ट Ex:  He is an expert of mineralogy. कुशल Ex:  Mr. Thomas is an expert seedsman. उ:   वह कुशल एवं अकुशल कारीगर में अंतर करना चाहता था। कृतकर्मा Ex:  Mr.Patel is an expert anthorpologist. कृतहस्त Ex:  Her grandfather is expert in solving crossword puzzles. कृतागम Ex:  Carl Sagan is an expert in cosmology. क्षिप्रकर Ex:  When it comes to fishing, John is an expert . चाबुकदस्त Ex:  Chinese martial arts expert and hero धुरंधर Ex:  Forensic expert Capt. धौँताल Ex:  Kurosawa used real arrows shot by expert archers from a short range निपुण Ex:  Frankenstein expert Leonard Wolf calls it an "unconvincing. उ:   वही माधवनल निपुण संगीतग्य हुआ करता था। प्रतिपत्तिविशारद् Ex:  Some, such as theropod expert Thomas Holtz Jr. मुरशिद Ex:  Auditor expert मुर्शिद् Ex:  Bureau of a court which are issued and kept the minutes of judgments , stops, those various proceedings as surveys, expert reports, etc युक्तिमान् Ex:  expert architect near the Commercial Court वचस Ex:  He is an expert in finance विचक्षण Ex:  It is clever, he is an expert in his art, his art विशेषज्ञ Ex:  It is not very expert in this art उ:   इसलिए फ़ुटबॉल एक विशेषज्ञ खिलाड़ियों का खेल है। विशेषविद् Ex:  It means figuratively Become the cleverest, the most expert वेदिता Ex:  Judging on the experts' report on the expert report शीलित Ex:  Lawyer, expert appointed ex officio lawyer, expert appointed by the judge शौंडि Ex:  The big of an expert report, a query, etc सामग्य Ex:  The minute of a sentence of a judgment of an expert report सौस्थय Ex:  Transportation of a judge, a commissioner, an expert on the premises स्पेशलिस्ट Ex:  Entériner an expert report स्वाप्त Ex:  Homologuer an expert report हस्तवत्
Other : दक्ष Ex:  According to the British expert on Ethiopia उ:   यज्ञस्थल में दक्ष प्रजापति ने सती और शंकर जी का घोर निरादर किया। निष्णात Ex:  Such tests have been termed subject matter expert Turing tests. उ:   बाद में वे स्वाध्याय से ही वैदिक संस्कृत में भी निष्णात हो गये थे। पक्का Ex:  The Italian professor of English and expert on Troilus पारंगत Ex:  They made expert light cavalry उ:   राज्य में दोनों ही शैलियों के पारंगत कलाकार हुए हैं। फुर्तीला Ex:  A criticism, a licensed expert विशारद Ex:  It is expert at throwing the ball
Expert ki paribhasha : jo kisi vishay ka achchha gyaata ho vachan ka vaktratv shakti se hin jisamen kisi kaam ko chatapat sugamataapoorvak karane ki shakti ho raamaayan ke anusaar ek raakshas jo prahast ka mntri tha vah jise kisi vishay ka vishesh gyaan ho
Expert synonyms
adroit experienced deft skillful skilled adept trained crackerjack slick virtuoso professional savvy sharp handy apt big league clever dexterous facile practiced qualified schooled authority artist connoisseur phenomenon ace guru wizard whiz graduate buff old hand artiste shark doyen hot shot old pro
Expert antonyms
clumsy unskilled ignorant inexperienced unskillful stupid unintelligent inexpert awkward inept green amateur unknowledgeable untrained ignoramus rookie apprentice novice
Usage of Expert in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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