Expertise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Expertise
As noun : चाबुकदस्ती Ex:  His central area of expertise is with writing systems of the world
दक्षता Ex:  This science also draws upon expertise from other fields such as economics उ:   इसकी विशेषता इसकी मजबूत और उच्च दक्षता है। निरुढ़ि Ex:  An employee contributes labour and expertise to an endeavour. रसूख Ex:  His expertise was in demand during the First World War. रुसख Ex:  After four shifts, they closed, they filed their expertise सुक्रतूया Ex:  Costs of expertise सुप्रयोग Ex:  It has no real talent, he has that expertise
Other : महारत Ex:  Developing an MMOG server requires expertise with client/server architecture उ:   उन्हें गद्य और पद्य दोनों ही में महारत थी।
Expertise synonyms
prowess ability facility proficiency know-how savvy skill judgment competence dexterity art adroitness sharpness cleverness ingeniousness dodge oil craft goods line knack cunning readiness expertness finesse mastery aptness bag deftness stuff command chops makings skillfulness ableness masterliness one's thing
Expertise antonyms
inability weakness clumsiness ignorance inadequacy inanity incompetence lack entertainment stupidity ineptness incapability
Usage of Expertise in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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