Explode meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Explode
As noun : भडक जाना
विस्फोटित होना
As verb : उछेदना Ex:  The bomb was set to explode at 11:14 a. उत्स्फोटत करना Ex:  Two types of star explode as supernovae: white dwarfs and massive stars. उत्स्फोटन होना Ex:  The tower seems to explode from the façade उपप्रदर्शन Ex:  The Sun does not have enough mass to explode as a supernova. गुस्सा उतारना Ex:  One other torpedo hit Wichita but did not explode तोड़फोड़ Ex:  Popcorn is kernels of certain varieties that explode when heated धमाका Ex:  The trend of newspapers would similarly explode in subsequent years धाहना Ex:  In terms of Artillery, it means the projectiles that explode touching an obstacle धुधराना Ex:  Safety valve, one that is designed to release steam, rising from itself when the pressure becomes such that the boiler would explode if the steam exit points was नठनापु Ex:  Which of the two genres can explode नष्ट करना निँदरना परिदलन फट जाना फूटना फोड‌़ना बडना बडाना बताना बदनाम करना बिघटाना बिधंसना बिनशना बिमर्दना भँडा़ना भक से उडा देना भक से उड़ा देना मुरकाना मोड़ना तोड़ना मोसना विधंसना ‡ विभंज विर्मदन विस्फोट करना विस्फोट होना विस्फोटन होना विस्फोटन उ:   ऐसीटिलीन को ऐसीटोन में घुला देने से उसे विस्फोटन का डर नहीं रहता। व्यापाद
Other : उठा देना Ex:  Each bomb was set to explode at approximately 11:17 a. तडकना Ex:  RP C/12 burned when exposed to fire it did not explode while cordite would.
Explode ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ka ubaal aadi ke kaaran phoot bahana oopar se veg ke saath niche padne ya koodane ka shabd kisi padaarth ka garami aadi ke kaaran ubal ya phoot padna khari ya karaari vastuon ka dabaav ya aaghaat paakar tootana phati puraani bagadi jo niche rahati hai aur jisake oopar achchhi pagadi baaandhi jaati hai
Explode synonyms
collapse mushroom burst shatter detonate erupt break out blast rupture backfire jet convulse shiver split fracture thunder discharge blaze set off flare up blow to kingdom come flame up kablooey let go invalidate disprove refute repudiate deflate debunk belie confute puncture discard shoot down shoot full of holes
Explode antonyms
mend implode prove validate build up attest approve endorse
Usage of Explode in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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