Exploit meaning in hindi
As noun : अपने काम में लाना Ex:  Often yeomen exploit the landless labourers.
अयस्क निस्सारण करना Ex:  An attacker could exploit this to create a denial of service attack. करतूत Ex:  In order to exploit the breakthrough कारनामा Ex:  Internet Explorer standalone hacks exploit a known workaround to DLL hell उ: उनसे पहले यह कारनामा केवल चेम्बरलेन तथा बेलर ही कर पाए थे। विदोहन करना Ex:  Develop a exploit विदोहन Ex:  exploit वीरता का काम Ex:  exploit a patent शोषण करना Ex:  In terms of procedure, Giving subpoena Assign by an exploit to appear in front the judge शोषण Ex:  In terms of procedure, meaning by extension Sommer by an exploit to appear before the judge उ: वह इस शोषण से मुक्त होना चाहती थी। समुपयोजन करना Ex:  Praise be false or exaggerated, given the intention to please, to charm, exploit
As verb : काम में लगाना Ex:  They were too slow to exploit their gains
Other : करतब Ex:  Online Media aimed to exploit the projected video-on-demand boom उ: मरीन पार्क में प्रशिक्षित डॉल्फिन्स अपने करतब दिखाती हैं। चूस लेना Ex:  As bugs within OpenBSD became harder to find and exploit लाभ उठाना Ex:  Copy contract, exploit
ExamplesExploit synonyms
feat deed accomplishment escapade adventure coup do maneuver enterprise job attainment stroke stunt performance effort tour de force handle utilize mine employ abuse apply manipulate play jockey finesse soak work fleece bleed stick skin milk exercise profit from capitalize on avail oneself of cash in on get mileage out of impose upon make capital of make use of play on profit by put to use Exploit antonyms
inaction idleness inactivity loss failure unemployment passivity misuse leave alone Usage of Exploit in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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