Explosion meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Explosion
As noun : अचानक वृद्धि Ex:  the explosion of the firecrackers awoke the children
उत्स्फोट Ex:  the building crumbled after the explosion उत्स्फोटन Ex:  A suden explosion lead to stampede. धड़ाका Ex:  The explosion blew the car to pieces . उ:   ईंधन के जलने पर धड़ाका होता है और गैस बाहर की ओर भागती है। धमाका Ex:  If executed the explosion would have destroyed the palace उ:   इसके कुछ सैकेंड बाद एक और धमाका हुआ। भडाका Ex:  The explosion disintegrated only some of the whale भड़ाका Ex:  A second whale explosion occurred on January 26, 2004, in Tainan City, Taiwan. विस्फोट Ex:  Yet another explosion was performed in Bonza Bay on September 20 उ:   तीसरा बम विस्फोट दक्षिणी परिसर में हुआ। शल्प Ex:  The resulting explosion severely damaged the Parthenon and its sculptures. स्फोट (न Ex:  2006. The explosion at the mosque
Other : धमाका. Ex:  Various triggers for the Cambrian explosion have been proposed पटाका Ex:  The most famous explosion occurred in the United States at Florence विस्फोटन Ex:  Following the Cambrian explosion उ:   विस्फोटन के लिए एक छेद बनाया जाता है। स्फोट Ex:  The High Middle Ages saw an explosion in population. स्फोटन Ex:  The explosion in the use of computers began with 'Third Generation' computers. उ:   आजकल विस्फोटकों का स्फोटन बिजली द्वारा संपन्न होता है।
Explosion ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ka ubaal aadi ke kaaran phoot bahana khari ya karaari vastuon ka dabaav ya aaghaat paakar tootana kisi bhaari chij se girane, chhootane, chalane aadi se utpann ghor shabd oopar se veg ke saath niche padne ya koodane ka shabd kisi padaarth ka garami aadi ke kaaran ubal ya phoot padna
Explosion synonyms
burst outbreak blast detonation outburst combustion salvo fit blowout roar gust concussion flare-up pop access percussion bang crack report paroxysm fulmination blowup clap backfire firing ignition
Explosion antonyms
Usage of Explosion in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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