Explosive meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Explosive
As noun : उत्स्फोटी Ex:  The style of drumming shifted as well to a more elusive and explosive style
उड़ाऊ Ex:  Nobel demonstrated his explosive for the first time that year धड़ाकेदार Ex:  Nobel later on combined nitroglycerin with another explosive नारिगोरि Ex:  The gas is flammable and can form explosive mixtures with air . फटनेवाला Ex:  It causes the explosive polymerization of ethylene oxide. बरूद Ex:  It also forms explosive fulminating compounds with compounds of gold बारूतपु Ex:  High explosive anti-tank warheads बारूद Ex:  This issue was particularly explosive in Canada and Australia. उ:   उनमें अधिक बारूद डालने से वे फट जाती थीं। भक से उड जाने वाला Ex:  An explosive mixture विदारणशील पदाष्थ Ex:  Chemistry so explosive विस्फोटक पदार्थ Ex:  explosive bullets विस्फोटक Ex:  In terms of grammar, explosive consonant, and, substantively, Explosive, Sound that occurring forms a kind Explosion उ:   यह एक प्रसिद्ध विस्फोटक है। विस्फोटी Ex:  POWDER also expresses Miscellaneous explosive mixtures whose guns are loaded उ:   इसमें ताप अवयव एवं विस्फोटी चकती युक्त एक भारी कोल होता है। शीघ्रदाह्य Ex:  Powerful used explosive in loading shells and due to the chemist Turpin स्फोटनशील Ex:  study the explosive phenomena
As adjective : भक से उड़ जाने वाला Ex:  B, P are explosive
Other : उडाऊ Ex:  Plastic explosive are found by the police in the criminals suitcase. उत्स्फोटक Ex:  The MG FF/M fired a new and improved type of explosive shell
Explosive ki paribhasha : vah padaarth jo garami ya aaghaat ke kaaran bhabhak uthe ek prakaar ka charn ya bukani jo gndhaka, shore or koyale ko ek men pisakar banati hai aur aag paakar bhak se ud jaati hai
Explosive synonyms
meteoric frenzied stormy touchy hazardous ugly violent tense fiery unstable uncontrollable wild bursting charged consequential ebullient forceful impetuous overwrought perilous raging rampant vehement at the boiling point convulsive detonating detonative eruptive fulminant fulminating bomb mine booby trap missile powder ammunition grease shot grenade shell detonator dynamite gunpowder tnt fireworks soup nitroglycerin pineapple mulligan propellant
Explosive antonyms
laid-back peaceful calm controlled safe gentle mild moderate
Usage of Explosive in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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