Exquisitely meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Exquisitely
As noun : नज़ाकत से Ex:  This is done exquisitely
As adverb :
नाजुक तरीक से Ex:  D'une exquisitely
Exquisitely synonyms
handsomely splendidly wonderfully magnificently prettily gorgeously tastefully sublimely attractively superbly appealingly delightfully charmingly elegantly seductively alluringly bewitchingly celestially cutely divinely entrancingly ideally softly lightly cautiously precisely subtly deftly finely skillfully tactfully sensitively daintily fastidiously correctly admirably flawlessly impeccably supremely faultlessly fitly superlatively to perfection incomparably marvelously nobly notably swimmingly well remarkably famously distinctively extremely well ingeniously masterfully sensationally easily neatly smoothly nimbly graciously adroitly agilely artistically dexterously felicitously harmoniously pleasingly rhythmically sprucely symmetrically trimly
Exquisitely antonyms
poorly strongly indelicately uncarefully partially imperfectly flawed awkwardly badly gracelessly grotesquely insipidly
Usage of Exquisitely in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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