Extinction meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Extinction
As noun : अंगभग Ex:  They think a meteor caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
अंतभवि Ex:  the extinction of the volcano अंतर अयण Ex:  The role of extinction in evolution depends on which type is considered. अक्षयता Ex:  The causes of the continuous "low-level" extinction events अथवनापु Ex:  Rates of extinction and radiation varied across different clades of organisms. अप्पय Ex:  Other researchers believe the extinction was more gradual अवसान Ex:  Mammals and birds which survived the extinction fed on insects आस्कंद Ex:  There is no evidence of mass extinction of these organisms उन्मूलन Ex:  The pattern of extinction points to habitat loss कालकर्मा Ex:  Likewise, 'Cavendish' is in no danger of extinction खपति Ex:  Upon the extinction of the local ducal line तलपट Ex:  The last extinction event occurred 65 mya उ:   बाद में तलपट के आधार पर अंतिम लेखे तैयार किये जाते हैं। नाश Ex:  The dam also contributed to the functional extinction of the Baiji उ:   मोक्षदाएकादशी बडे-बडे पातकों का नाश करने वाली है। निपैद Ex:  It is not threatened with extinction but human activities निर्वापन Ex:  The present era is classified as part of a mass extinction event पणास Ex:  The extent of the current extinction event is still being researched परिमृति Ex:  Humans have contributed to the extinction of many plants and animals. परिशमन Ex:  A major extinction event occurred near the end of the Cambrian period परिसमाप्ति Ex:  Brown Bear, Wolf and Walrus were hunted to extinction in historic times. उ:   उदाहरणार्थ - प्रमंडल की परिसमाप्ति पर पूर्ण मूल्य की देयता। पामालो Ex:  For some time after the Permian-Triassic extinction event पायमाली Ex:  This was followed by the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event प्रतिशम Ex:  The Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event प्रतिसंक्रम Ex:  This mass extinction is known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event. प्रपतन Ex:  Although the speed of extinction cannot be deduced from the fossil record alone प्रमय Ex:  The Deccan Traps could have caused extinction through several mechanisms प्रमापण Ex:  Before the mass extinction of the dinosaurs प्रहाणि Ex:  In the years when the Deccan Traps theory was linked to a slower extinction भेदिका Ex:  Continue to extinction भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex:  No award can only be made after the extinction of three fires मर्द्दन Ex:  Playing in, shouting to extinction मुसमुंद Ex:  During the Eocene–Oligocene extinction event about 34 million years ago लुप्त होना Ex:  The call button of an electric bell, the power button or extinction of electric lamps are switches विधंस Ex:  The extinction of a race , a family, a home विपादन Ex:  The extinction of natural heat, the loss of natural heat विप्रणाश Ex:  The purchase of an annuity, a pension, payment of an amount for depreciation, for the extinction of an annuity, a pension विभंज Ex:  This charge was abolished by extinction विलोपन Ex:  The same used to be said for the extinction of the candle उ:   विलोपन दरों को मापने के कई तरीकें हैं। शरीरपात संछिदा संप्रमोष समुच्छित्ति
Other : निर्वाण Ex:  The last mass extinction occurred some 65 million years ago उ:   वट वृक्ष ज्ञान व निर्वाण का भी प्रतीक है। विलोप Ex:  Until extinction of natural heat, or simply Up 'to extinction, until run out, to do more to weariness
Extinction ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ko lekar bhaag jaane ki kriya kisi kaary ya baat aadi ka ant hona vah sthaan jahaaan se kisi vastu ka ant ho vyaakaran ke chaar pradhaan niyamon men se eka, jisake anusaar shabd ke saadhan men kisi varn ko ud dete hain kaatana ya chhinn karana
Extinction synonyms
annihilation elimination destruction death obsolescence end of life no life thing of the past
Usage of Extinction in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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