Extort meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Extort
As verb : उगाहना Ex:  Action to extort money from someone by threatening to defame
उघरावना Ex:  He let extort large sums उघानापु Ex:  Tear, someone extort consent उद्यापन करना Ex:  It is used mainly in the familiar phrase Cope someone, He's eating well, extort it has, make him lose his money उद्यापित करना ऎंठना खीचकर निकालना छिड़ाना छीन लेना जोर से लेना दस्तबुर्द बलाद्आदान करना ऐंठना
Extort ki paribhasha : bahut se aadamiyon se svikrat niyamaanusaar alag alag dhan aadi lekar ikattha karana
Extort synonyms
extract wrest exact coerce elicit wring gouge force soak fleece get pinch skin milk obtain ice educe evince stick wrench clip demand sting squeeze bully bleed secure hold up make pay through nose put screws to put the arm on shake down pull one's leg
Extort antonyms
surrender forfeit loosen let go yield give offer lose unfasten
Usage of Extort in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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