Extraordinary meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Extraordinary
As adjective : अनन्यसामान्य Ex:  An ambassador extraordinary
अनोखी Ex:  His extraordinary record speaks for itself. उ:   यहां एक अनोखी भूल भुलैया है। अन्यासाधरण Ex:  " Stands " or plots were sold at extraordinary prices in Bulawayo. असाधारण Ex:  Cannon exercised extraordinary control over the legislative process उ:   मैडागास्कर एक ऐसी भूमि है जिसकी संस्कृति असाधारण रूप से समृद्ध है। आसाधारण Ex:  They are often disenfranchised people placed in extraordinary situations इसपेशल Ex:  New Zealand has extraordinary flora and fauna कल्हरा Ex:  He could multitask in extraordinary fashion खुसूसी Ex:  The country still shelters an extraordinary diversity of unique गैरमामूली Ex:  This third version of the character was given extraordinary abilities जनतिग Ex:  It was an extraordinary prohibition for Christians to enter Jewish town. दूरपात Ex:  Though quite skeptical of any extraordinary answer to the UFO question नकशमार Ex:  Within his own lifetime his extraordinary powers of invention नवग्रह Ex:  They were a local sports event with extraordinary sports, such as shin-kicking. उ:   सूर्य का नवग्रह में प्रथम स्थान है। नवज्वर Ex:  The extraordinary success of the Bridgewater Canal in Britain पनकौवा Ex:  Raskolnikov also strives to be an extraordinary being पाणिग्रहण Ex:  �Most extraordinary thing I ever heard of,� said George . उ:   यंत्र पाणिग्रहण हुआ। पादशोथ Ex:  An extraordinary event पावरहौस Ex:  An extraordinary genius पिंडखजुर Ex:  An extraordinary man in his art पितृतर्पण Ex:  An extraordinary merit पिष्टपेषणन्याय Ex:  and ironically, You are a wonderful man, You are a strange man, extraordinary by your feelings, your manners by पीलो Ex:  By affixing and colloquially, it means a being or a huge thing, extraordinary पेँहटुल Ex:  Enchantment, supposedly done by magical art to produce an extraordinary effect पेन्स Ex:  extraordinary प्याजो Ex:  extraordinary emotion of the soul, which is supposed to be the effect an inspiration प्रक्लिन्नवर्त्म Ex:  For extraordinary path प्रगुण्य Ex:  game nature of the said Action of nature that produces a strange thing extraordinary प्रासुक Ex:  Gratification annual, ordinary, extraordinary फललक्षणा Ex:  He said again, by extension speaking Some of extraordinary things and it seems that one could avoid बलापंचक Ex:  He said again, in terms of Fine Arts, in some works that have something extraordinary and risky बिछुआपु Ex:  How extraordinary was once said of the criminal procedure, as opposed to civil procedure बिडालपद, बिडालपदक Ex:  I found it in an extraordinary transportation बिसीष Ex:  In extraordinary performances, subscriptions are suspended, subscribers are forced to pay their seats यवक्षार Ex:  In some familiar phrases, it indicates that a person has this in it singular, extraordinary , ridicule, etc योगदर्शन Ex:  In terms of Marine, Breeze stinker, Wind blows with extraordinary violence उ:   योगदर्शन का मुख्य लक्ष्य समाधि के मार्ग को प्रशस्त करना है। योगनंद Ex:  It advocates an extraordinary man योगमाया Ex:  It also means, figuratively and familiarly, which is prodigious, excessive, extraordinary in its kind and then it always precedes the name योगसमाधि Ex:  It also said an extraordinary thing योगसूत्र Ex:  It also says a Transport uplifting above himself and which do or say extraordinary things उ:   जैसे पतंजलि का योगसूत्र और पाणिनि का अष्टाध्यायी आदि। रक्तचंदन Ex:  It drew on religion the extraordinary courage he displayed रक्तप्रदर Ex:  It has a taste for the extraordinary रखौंड़ी Ex:  It has made extraordinary magnificence रथमहोत्सव Ex:  It is a rare man, said of a man who has extraordinary merit रमणाक Ex:  It is a very extraordinary रविकांतमणी Ex:  It is also said of all extraordinary movement of soul who excites to acts of courage, dedication, etc रविसंक्राति Ex:  It is commonly said of those who are distinguished by extraordinary value, which obtain in war brilliant success running large and dangerous enterprises रसतन्मात्रा Ex:  It is said by exaggeration, an extraordinary thing, a wonderful coincidence, the fact that an event would naturally happen and has not happened yet, or vice versa रसधातु Ex:  It is sometimes said by exaggeration of things that are surprising, extraordinary in their kind राजपलांड़ु Ex:  It says figuratively, in terms of Devotion, the extraordinary light that God sometimes permeates the soul राजविद्रोह Ex:  It was said as a name, to similar effect, Judge at the extraordinary Judging Criminal राजस्थली Ex:  It was said previously, to the King, an annual fund that was devoted to some extraordinary expenses रादजक्ष्मा Ex:  Judgment of God said particularly extraordinary evidence, like the duel, fireproof, hot iron, etc रामटेक Ex:  Kick-authority, Usage extraordinary that a person makes of his authority to those who oppose him resistance उ:   वनवास के समय राम के टिकने का स्थान या पड़ाव को रामटेक कहा जाता है। रामबान Ex:  Legate a latere or simply Legate, Cardinal sent, with extraordinary powers, by the Pope from a government to a council, etc राशिभोग Ex:  Make LOVE also means extraordinary respects by bowing राष्ट्रकूट Ex:  Making singular, extraordinary उ:   इन बातों से सिद्ध होता है कि राष्ट्रकूट राजा यादव थे। लघुदती Ex:  of both genders who is out of order, the common use; which is singular, extraordinary लबाचा Ex:  Ordinary and extraordinary expenses लाकसीमातिवर्ती Ex:  Ordinary Session extraordinary लाल हलायची Ex:  PARTICULAR also means Who is singular, extraordinary , unusual लालकीन Ex:  Question ordinary, extraordinary लालमुनी Ex:  Session, extraordinary hearing लोकातिग Ex:  Statue of an extraordinary size लोमशमार्जार Ex:  The extraordinary circumstances that could occur वंशपुष्पा Ex:  The extraordinary events we have seen accomplished वरशीत Ex:  The extraordinary rises to as वसंतकुसुम Ex:  The extraordinary wars or war, the Fund was to formerly pay the extraordinary expenses of war वस्तूत्प्रेक्षा Ex:  The insults of fate, Setbacks, extraordinary misfortunes and unearned वाइकौंट Ex:  The pirates have made businesses who demanded an extraordinary audacity वातकुंडली Ex:  The reputation was soon published an extraordinary event विज्ञानकोश Ex:  There is nothing extraordinary about that विदला Ex:  This is a very extraordinary character विपाट् Ex:  To dress up an extraordinary coat विपाशा Ex:  Treasurer of the extraordinary विलायती अनन्नास Ex:  Use of extraordinary means विशेष Ex:  What happens of sudden, someone extraordinary उ:   यहाँ विशेष रूस से पशु पालन का कारबार होता है। विशेस ‡ Ex:  Who is of an extraordinary size विश्वरथ Ex:  Who is prodigious, that is extraordinary विषविधि Ex:  Whoever loves the extraordinary adventures, which runs the world and willingly engages in risky business where he can expect some benefit विष्णुगुप्त Ex:  , call to her aid, is said of the extraordinary Vehicles which is employed to overcome something विसर्पिणी Ex:  , I saw many others, I've seen much more extraordinary things than this विसेस Ex:  , It is strong, a little strong, that's hard, is said of a thing that surprises unpleasantly, which seems extraordinary difficult or hard to believe and offensive वृंहणवस्ति Ex:  , It would be nice to see, it would be strange, extraordinary good to see वेदांतसूत्र Ex:  , Make wonder, to wonder, do wonders Stand out under any circumstances by a zeal courage, address, extraordinary talent व्याघ्राट Ex:  , Making miracles in some occasion, Accomplish a feat, getting an extraordinary result शंकव Ex:  , Making rage, Making extraordinary efforts, do everything possible, report something; he said, good and evil शंखपाल Ex:  , must make a cross to the fireplace, is said to happen when we see something extraordinary शंतनुसुत Ex:  , The current business, Common business, as opposed to extraordinary business that may arise शंभुमनु Ex:  He also says if public Celebratory who are in some extraordinary opportunities; and in this sense it is often used in the plural शणघंटा, शणघंटिका Ex:  It means, figuratively, extraordinary change in the character of a person शततारका, शततारा Ex:  It was placed at the ordinary and extraordinary शफतालु Ex:  ROMAN says, alluding, extraordinary adventures and stories devoid likelihood शब्दपाती Ex:  The contest such extraordinary events can be easily explained शब्दप्रमाण Ex:  These extraordinary geniuses who appear at long intervals शरहमुअय्यन, शरहमुऐयन Ex:  We made him extraordinary honors, honors शाक्तमत शातवाहन शिंगरफ शिलादित्य शीर्णांघ्रि शुष्कव्रण शोण श्येनघंटा श्राणा षट्रस षड्ग्रंथ षष्टिलता षाड्गुण्य षोड़शपूजन सँधव संगसुरमा संदेपन संसत्, संसद् सजीवनबूटी सजीवनसूर, सजीवनमूल सत्वगुण सनट्टा सभिप्राय समासवान् सलिलक्रिया सहजशत्रु सांधग सालवाहन सालौगुग्गुल साष्टांग योग सिंजालपारी सिंहलद्वीप सिरीराग सींका सीमोल्लंघन सुखंकरी सुखालुका सुगुप्ता सुतजीवक सुतर्कारी सुतश्रेणी सुतैला सुत्रधार सुधामोदक सुनिर्यासा सुरभिदारुक सुरभिपत्रा सूत्रपिटक सूनादोष सूर्यसंक्रमण सूर्यसंक्रांति सोडहमस्मि सोमरस उ:   सोमरस के पत्थरों से पीसे जाने का वर्णन ऋग्वेद में बहुलता से मिलता है। सोरसती ‡ सौरसेनी स्थगर स्थलपद्म स्मृतिशास्त्र स्वरसप्तक स्वरहा स्वर्णपुष्पा स्वर्णभूमिका स्वर्णमाक्षिक स्वर्णली स्वर्णालु स्वल्पव्यक्ति तंत्र स्वामिकार्तिक हजारदास्ताँ हड़गीला हरिनहर्रा हरिनाकुस ‡ हरिपर्ण हरीछाल केला हस्तजोड़ी हस्तज्योडी हस्तिकरंज हस्तिपर्णी हस्तिशुंडी हिंगुनाडिका हिंदु उ:   हव्यक अधिकांश सभी हिंदु त्योहारों को मनाते है। हिजली बदाम हिमज्वर हुलक्का हेत्वपह्नुति होलनाल
Other : लोकोत्तर Ex:  Such an event would be extraordinary I would like to attend, due to curiosity
Extraordinary ki paribhasha : nityaniyam ke viruddh vismayapurn ghatanaa, padaarth ya vastu jisaka doosara daavedaar na ho vah jo saadhaaran ke atirikt aur usase adhik ho
Extraordinary synonyms
fantastic remarkable outstanding unheard-of marvelous curious bizarre odd special unusual incredible phenomenal singular terrific amazing unprecedented unimaginable exceptional uncommon particular unique rare surprising weird boss flash gnarly heavy inconceivable out of the ordinary peculiar stupendous unfamiliar unthinkable wicked unwonted fab off beaten path
Extraordinary antonyms
commonplace usual typical unremarkable unexceptional believable worthless indifferent like similar unimportant standard customary conventional familiar ordinary plain bad poor normal average inferior regular expected general unextraordinary unsurprising
Usage of Extraordinary in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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