Extravagant meaning in hindi
As adjective : अंदधुंध Ex: He is an extravagant spender.
अगाधरुधिर Ex: the expansiveness of their extravagant life style was soon curtailed अतिशयित Ex: Ravi was pilloried in the media for the extravagant election compaigns. अतिशायी Ex: It was an extravagant production but a commercial failure. अतें Ex: Matatus were easily distinguishable by their extravagant paint schemes. अत्यधिक Ex: By extension, extravagant Speech उ: कंस का चरित्र अत्यधिक कठोर प्रदर्शित किया गया है। अध्यारुढ Ex: By extension, it also means Who is burlesque, grotesque, extravagant अमोगाँ Ex: Caprice extravagant असंयत Ex: Crazy Action and extravagant उच्छृंखल Ex: Fashion ridiculous, extravagant उर्वरित Ex: Giving comedy, Getting noticed by extravagant and ridiculous ways उल्बण Ex: He ébaudis us with his extravagant tale खर्चीला Ex: Imaginations foolish, vain, hollow, extravagant उ: भूजल कम खर्चीला किफायती संसाधन है। परिगाढ Ex: It also means extravagant action, extravagant speech फ़िज़ूलखर्च Ex: It is an extravagant बंहिष्ठ Ex: It means figuratively Flatter by extravagant praise बलीयस् Ex: It means, figuratively, crazy idea, extravagant बहीय Ex: Pretending just, legitimate, reckless, extravagant बहुमुख Ex: Projection dangerous, extravagant भूरी Ex: Supply censer through the nose to someone, Giving opposite the extravagant praise which show that mocks the one we rented मनमानिब ‡ Ex: These are people extravagant महत Ex: Thoughts, extravagant words सातिशय Ex: What extravagant woman! Substantively, it is an extravagant सुविस्तर Ex: What you just said is extravagant
Other : उडाऊ Ex: For exaggeration, it is a madman link, this is an extravagant उड़ाऊ Ex: He said, figuratively, a company Jester and poor speaker who delivers with extravagant gestures, displaced jokes
Extravagant ki paribhasha : bure kaamon men vyay karanevaala
ExamplesExtravagant synonyms
fantastic excessive ludicrous fancy lavish exorbitant fanciful ornate costly bizarre expensive profligate ostentatious grandiose showy reckless flashy garish gaudy ridiculous implausible flamboyant exaggerated outrageous silly absurd crazy extortionate extreme foolish immoderate improvident imprudent inordinate nonsensical preposterous pretentious prodigal spendthrift steep unbalanced unconscionable unreasonable unrestrained overpriced Extravagant antonyms
usual logical sensible inexpensive careful drab restrained tasteful believable wise provident stingy thrifty unpretentious ordinary plain small poor moderate reasonable cheap serious simple normal good modest calm close economical saving unflashy Usage of Extravagant in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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