Eye meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Eye
As noun : अँकिया Ex:  She has an eye for fresh talent
अँखडी Ex:  she has an eye for fresh talent अंख Ex:  To Bobs inexpert eye it looked like a camera. अंखिका Ex:  the larval eye अंछि Ex:  There is a membrain at the back of the eye which is called retina. अंदेश Ex:  It was a minute particle but hurt the eye badly. अंबुक Ex:  a bit of rock caught him in the eye अइला Ex:  Fish eye lenses are used for wide angle photography. अक्ख Ex:  The eye surgery normally needs delicate handling. अतर्भावना Ex:  Keep an eye on the student.He seems to be a truant.
He is a truant and hardly comes to the office.
अन्नकोष्ठ Ex:  he had a sparkle in his eye अभिस्मरण Ex:  his behavior gave the whole family a black eye अरसपरस Ex:  The eye of the Ancient Mariner fascinated the wedding guest. अवकखन Ex:  Keep an eye on this prisoner! अवलोकनि Ex:  Spinach increases the strength of eye power. अववरक Ex:  Sometimes pulsating of the left eye is considered quite lucky. आतर्दन Ex:  ideologically, we do not see eye to eye आतृण्ण Ex:  John's new car is the apple of his eye . आदृष्टि Ex:  Look at that pretty girl giving you the big eye . ऑँख Ex:  I got a black eye from walking into a door . उछोड़ Ex:  A small red car passing by caught my eye . उदीक्षण Ex:  He has an eye for color . उद्गगम Ex:  I have my eye on the apple tree . उद्वोक्षण Ex:  Please keep an eye on the baby . ऊष Ex:  Keep an eye out for rain . कुटरचना Ex:  Keep your eye on John . कूटपाश Ex:  I see eye to eye with Mary . गलखाँसी Ex:  It was in Trieste that he first began to be plagued by major eye problems गिरंद Ex:  Davis withdrew almost completely from the public eye for six years. गोला Ex:  In July 2006 Taylor again re-emerged into the public eye उ:   चीन के लोगों को अमरीका से शस्त्र और गोला बारूद मिला। चक्षा Ex:  A stillness which characterizes prayer, too, and the eye of the storm. चक्षा Ex:  A stillness which characterizes prayer, too, and the eye of the storm. चछ Ex:  A typical tropical cyclone will have an eye approximately 30–65 km across चश्मा Ex:  The optical lobes are behind each eye and process visual stimuli. उ:   गर्म पानी का चश्मा और सौ से अधिक नदियाँ और नाले हैं। चष्षि Ex:  The other type of light-sensitive cell in the eye चांद Ex:  Nelson lost the sight in his right eye and half of his right eyebrow. उ:   इस मंदिर का निर्माण चांद शासन ने करवाया था। चुशमा Ex:  The eye passed over the city around 8 p. छिद Ex:  The eye color can vary greatly छीँद Ex:  Examples might be physical movements such as sudden loss of eye contact छेड Ex:  Mujib was withdrawn from school in 1934 to undergo eye surgery छेद Ex:  Hyakutake became visible to the naked eye in early March 1996. By mid-March उ:   बरमे से छेद किया जाता है। छेदा Ex:  Even to the naked eye जलस्रोत Ex:  " "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". उ:   मंदिर से लगा एक छोटा-सा जलस्रोत है जिसे कोटितीर्थ कहा जाता है। झिकना Ex:  Suffering from these Stigmata and from an eye disease डिठि Ex:  Different breeds of dogs have different eye shapes and dimensions ढेढ Ex:  Several other non-inflammatory eye disorders तं Ex:  This shift in eye position mirrors the shift from prey to predator उ:   यही भाव इस वेदमंत्र में है-'अंतरिच्छन्ति तं जने रुद्रं परो मनीषया। तकन Ex:  Saturn is the most distant of the five planets easily visible to the naked eye तकनापु Ex:  Olivier had had his eye to the viewfinder तष्षना Ex:  It is most often of genetic nature but may also occur because of eye ताडना Ex:  After spending several years outside the public eye तारनी Ex:  After several months out of the public eye ताड़ना Ex:  At the time of its peak strength, its eye was 15 km wide. दिच्छना Ex:  The eye operates like a photographic camera. दिट्ठि Ex:  The more the eye resembles a pinhole camera दिव्यचक्षु Ex:  Arizona, nightclub caught the eye of manager Jay Levey, who was "blown away". दिष्टवान Ex:  1998, Yankovic had LASIK eye surgery to correct his extreme myopia. दीठी Ex:  Methods include simply looking at the night sky with the naked eye दीठी Ex:  Methods include simply looking at the night sky with the naked eye दीदारी Ex:  A cyclone of this intensity tends to develop an eye दुमाल, दुमाला Ex:  The eye is often visible in satellite images as a small दृग् Ex:  Surrounding the eye is the eyewall दृश Ex:  Borges senior was treated by a Geneva eye specialist दृष्टि Ex:  Hugo kept his artwork out of the public eye उ:   उस दृष्टि से वह क्रांति का हंता था। दृष्टिविक्षेप Ex:  The eye passed ashore in Palm Beach County near West Palm Beach देखना Ex:  The man was evidently used to sleeping with one eye open . उ:   नंदा देवी के पीछे सूर्योदय देखना एक बहुत ही सुखद अनुभव है। देवदीप Ex:  a fixed eye is said in the same direction Watching दैवदीप Ex:  A tiller, to be good, must have at least one eye and root द्रष्टा Ex:  Absolutely, Guigner of the eye, one eye उ:   ॠग्वेद के छठे मण्डल के द्रष्टा भारद्वाज ऋषि हैं। धान्यकाष्ठक Ex:  Alongside the eye line ध्यन से देखना Ex:  An eye bruised ध्यान Ex:  An eye powder, a powder suspicion, A light layer of powder उ:   ध्यान आपकी चिंता कम करने में मदद करता है। नयन Ex:  Anatomy Pertaining to the orbit of the eye उ:   नयन का अर्थ होता है आँख। नयन्न Ex:  Angle visual angle that form between them extreme rays sent to the eye by a body नाका Ex:  As far as the eye can carry उ:   मेवाड़ के उत्तरी छोर का दिवेर का नाका अन्य नाकों से विलक्षण है। निगाह Ex:  As long as the eye can reach उ:   किन्तु यह केवळ तुम्हारी निगाह का धोखा है। निधा Ex:  As long as the eye can reach, How far eyes can see निभार Ex:  be exposed to the public eye नेत्र Ex:  bird's eye view उ:   सुश्रुत नेत्र शल्य चिकित्सा भी करते थे। नोका Ex:  d Architecture and Archaeology He expressed a strong masonry Sort used by the Romans, with a coating of small stones or brickwork, whose arrangement gives the eye the image of a network उ:   ओणम मैं नोका दौड जैसे खेलों का आयोजन भी होता है। नज़र Ex:  Driveway eye to पंकचर Ex:  Enter escutcheon, splitted , sleeping eye पण्यभूमि Ex:  eye पर दृष्टि डालना Ex:  eye पाशबंध Ex:  Face, air, threatening eye पासि Ex:  Faculty that some animals and also some people with eye diseases have to see at night पुतली Ex:  Glass Eye, Artificial Eye glass or enamel we put in place of an eye that was removed उ:   कोटपुतली का निर्माण मुख्य शहर कोट और पास के गांव पुतली से हुआ था। पुत्तलि Ex:  Having an eye on someone, Beware his conduct पुत्तली Ex:  Having liveliness in the eye पेखनापु Ex:  Having the eye disorder प्रणिघान Ex:  Having the eye disorder प्रतिचक्षण Ex:  Having the face, the eye émerillonné फँग Ex:  He also said, colloquially, divergent Rides that people begin to age were outside corner of each eye फँसड़ी Ex:  He also said, in terms of perspective, the point that the painter or designer chooses to put the objects in perspective and to which he directs all rays that are expected from the eye of the beholder फंदा Ex:  He came to me a straw in the eye फंदावली Ex:  He followed the ship as long as the eye could distinguish the फंधा Ex:  He had barely closed the eye than the noise 'awakened फंध्या Ex:  He has the eye exercised too ridiculous for this man escape him फाँसरी Ex:  His eye becomes animated talking फाउटेन Ex:  Holding have someone in the eye, on the eye Have someone watch all his actions बगुर Ex:  Hunting Follow the eye बग्गुर Ex:  I watched the corner of his eye he gave her something बट्ट ‡ Ex:  If eat the eyes, the eye बरतुल Ex:  In terms of anatomy, glass Mood, Mood transparent, which is in the eye behind the lens बेखना Ex:  In terms of devotion, God's eye sees everything, all-pervading, etc ब्लेष्क Ex:  Instrument used to look inside the eye मनस्कार Ex:  It also means Relating eye मुशाहदा Ex:  It also says, in terms of Calligraphy, Principal trait which a letter is formed; in terms of typography, the size of the melted part that supports the eye of the letter and which is measured by point type guts side रुहक Ex:  It came to him a pillowcase eye रूपग्रह Ex:  It could not close an eye all night रूपग्राही Ex:  It expresses, by extension, the entire eye area, eyelids लोचन Ex:  It expresses, by extension, the entire eye area, eyelids उ:   मुख्‍य विहार के उत्तर पूर्व में अनिमेश लोचन चैत्‍य बना हुआ है। लोबत Ex:  It is said by analogy Someone who has one eye वरुणपीश Ex:  It is said in the same direction Operate the finger and the eye , If obeyed strictly, accurately वर्तुलाकार Ex:  It is said in the same direction: From this height The view, the eye runs through the horizon, covers a large area, etc विक्षित Ex:  L eye of this character does not please me, it is too big, it is too small विद्र Ex:  Language gesture, eye वृक्षिका Ex:  Linen eye partridge, diapered linen, whose manner is roughly partridge eyes व्लेष्क Ex:  Looking complacently, with a complacent eye श्वभ्र Ex:  Noticeable to the eye समालोक Ex:  of Veterinary Medicine neighboring Parties of the eye of the horse that match the temples in humans सालमंजिका Ex:  Pharmacy drug that, in the form of liquid or an ointment, applied to the conjunctiva of the eye हिंस्त्रयंत्र Ex:  Printing as on the eye is the light reflected from the surface of the body and makes us sensitive variously
Other : आँख Ex:  the discriminating eye of the connoisseur उ:   ३. खेल की प्रगति पर आँख रखिए। आंख Ex:  The infection has localized in the left eye उ:   उनकी एक आंख जाती रही। ईक्षण Ex:  I have a black eye where John hit me . गोलक Ex:  Ben Jonson described it as Britain's other eye चक्षु Ex:  Haywood never had his damaged eye replaced with a glass eye उ:   द्वितीय प्रहर आने पर उस मुनि ने दिव्य चक्षु पाया। चख Ex:  The eye of the hurricane made landfall on August 29 चश्म Ex:  Observations from ships and Hurricane Hunters can pinpoint an eye visually चेद Ex:  Lack of melanin in the eye also results in problems with vision नज़र रखना Ex:  An eye scanner नज़र Ex:  Anatomy one of the membranes of the eye उ:   इस फ़िल्म में वह दोहरी भूमिका में नज़र आये। नैन Ex:  By extension and figuratively, it means that design summary justice is to make eye for eye, tooth for tooth उ:   नैन नचाइ, कही मुसकाइ लला फिरी अइयो खेलन होरी।
Eye ki paribhasha : kisi vastu men vah khaali sthaan jo phatane ya sui, kaaante hathiyaar aadi ke aarapaar chubhane se hota hai rassi ya baal aadi ki bani hui phaaans kisi padaarth ka kuchh bad gol pind do ki snkhya ka soochak shabd dekhane ki vratti ya shakti baahm indriyon ke prayog ki bina keval man men laane ki kriya ya bhaav saakhy ke anusaar purush aur yog ke anusaar aatma vyavastha karanevaala vah indriy jisase praaniyon ko roop arthaat varna- vistaar taya aakaar ka gyaan hota hai kamaani men jad hua shishe ya paaradarshi patthar ke taalon ka joda, jo aaankhon par unaka dosh door karane, drashti badhaane athava dhoopa, chamak ya gard aadi se unaki raksha karane aur unhen thadha rakhane ke abhipraay se lagaaya jaata hai
Eye synonyms
taste feeling mind view conviction perception belief sentiment discrimination watch discernment appreciation scrutiny surveillance tab persuasion viewpoint recognition eagle eye point of view ocular blinder lamp headlight oculus peeper eyeball pie baby blue contemplate check out inspect scan rubberneck leer consider peruse study regard survey ogle gape take in look at give the eye glance at have a look keep eagle eye on size up stare at take a look
Eye antonyms
disinclination disbelief indifference ignore disregard disbelieve forget neglect overlook look away
Usage of Eye in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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