Abbe example sentences

By 1765, notice how another power, the British, had successfully grabbed major chunks of territory in eastern India.No, you just think I'm a fool and want to have me on! You call my land yours, and then you want me to talk to you calmly and politely! Good neighbours don't behave like that, Stepan Stepanovitch! You're not a neighbour, you're a grabber! What's that? What did you say?Papa, send the mowers out to the Meadows at once! What did you say, sir? Oxen Meadows are ours, and I shan't give them up, shan't give them up, shan't give them up! We'll see! I'll have the matter taken to court, and then I'll show you! To court? You can take it to court, and all that! You can! I know you; you're just on the look-out for a chance to go to court, and all that.Then you make out that I'm a landgrabber? Madam, never in my life have I grabbed anybody else's land and I shan't allow anybody to accuse me of having done so.The coin of those days, the wretched thing, made so much more noise too! Finally, in a panic, I grabbed all four of them and held them tight in my fist and then they were silent.A woman was standing there holding my cat! I leapt up and grabbed her out of the woman's arms.

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