Achievement example sentences
The last one, known as the Uruguay Round, was the most comprehensive one in terms of coverage of issues, and also the lengthiest one from the point of view of duration of negotiations which lasted over a period of seven years from 1986 to 199 One of the key achievements of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations was the decision to set up a permanent institution for looking after the promotion of free and fair trade amongst nations.Controlling also ensures that an organisation's resources are being used effectively and efficiently for the achievement of predetermined goals.For example, a manager with good leadership abilities will be in a position to convince the employees working under him that individual efforts and team effort will lead to achievement of organisational goals.Their child socialisation practices are also aimed at making children independent (do many things without help from elders), autonomous (take several decisions for themselves), and achievement-oriented (accept risks and challenges such as those involved in hunting) from an early age of life.He takes responsibility for task achievement and motivates his workers effectively.People's expectations of mastery or achievement and their convictions about their own effectiveness also determine the types of behaviour in which they would engage, as also the amount of risk they would undertake.Western culture promotes technological intelligence based on skills of analysis, performance, speed, and achievement orientation.GATS is regarded as a landmark achievement of the Uruguay Round as it extends the multilateral rules and disciplines to services.Much of a child's energy is channelled into social or achievementrelated activities.All the dates in these history books were linked to these personalities to their activities, policies, achievements.When the West Indies won its first Test series against England in 1950, it was celebrated as a national achievement, as a way of demonstrating that West Indians were the equals of white Englishmen.While these features are common to most of them, these democracies are very much different from each other in terms of their social situations, their economic achievements and their cultures.Some non-western societies value self-reflection and collectivistic orientation as opposed to personal achievement and individualistic orientation.This is an unusual achievement for any constitution.They formulate overall organisational goals and strategies for their achievement.
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