Activate example sentences

Therefore, –OH group activates the benzene ring for the attack by an electrophile.A general physiological state of arousal, or feeling activated, might often be expressed in the form of aggression.A fall in glomerular blood flow/glomerular blood pressure/GFR can activate the JG cells to release renin which converts angiotensinogen in blood to angiotensin I and further to angiotensin .An excessive loss of fluid from the body can activate these receptors which stimulate the hypothalamus to release antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin from the neurohypophysis.ATPase has a channel that allows diffusion of protons back across the membrane; this releases enough energy to activate ATPase enzyme that catalyses the formation of ATP.Osmoreceptors in the body are activated by changes in blood volume, body fluid volume and ionic concentration.Alkynes on partial reduction with calculated amount of dihydrogen in the presence of palladised charcoal partially deactivated with poisons like sulphur compounds or quinoline give alkenes.After several hours, the suspended microbes settle at the bottom of the tank as activated sludge.Partially deactivated palladised charcoal is known as Lindlar's catalyst.The motives activated by the message also determine attitude change.Angiotensin also activates the adrenal cortex to release Aldosterone.A motive is an inner state that energises, activates or moves and directs behaviour towards goals.Trypsinogen is activated by an enzyme, enterokinase, secreted by the intestinal mucosa into active trypsin, which in turn activates the other enzymes in the pancreatic juice.Being highly porous, activated charcoal is used in adsorbing poisonous gases; also used in water filters to remove organic contaminators and in airconditioning system to control odour.Pro-social behaviour is expressed when the situation activates certain social norms that require helping others.

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