Adder example sentences

In response, the stretch receptors on the walls of the bladder send signals to the CNS.Urine is stored in the urinary bladder till a voluntary signal from CNS carries out its release through urethra, i.e., micturition.The CNS passes on motor messages to initiate the contraction of smooth muscles of the bladder and simultaneous relaxation of the urethral sphincter causing the release of urine.Urine formed by the nephrons is ultimately carried to the urinary bladder where it is stored till a voluntary signal is given by the central nervous system (CNS).This signal is initiated by the stretching of the urinary bladder as it gets filled with urine.There were also some brushes and green and yellow paints on the floor near the ladder.” Then they found a ladder and a lantern still lighted lying near his bed.In humans, the excretory system consists of one pair of kidneys, a pair of ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra.The accessory digestive glands include the salivary glands, the liver (with gall bladder) and the pancreas.The duct of gall bladder (cystic duct) along with the hepatic duct from the liver forms the common bile duct.The bile secreted by the hepatic cells passes through the hepatic ducts and is stored and concentrated in a thin muscular sac called the gall bladder.CCK acts on both pancreas and gall bladder and stimulates the secretion of pancreatic enzymes and bile juice, respectively.In humans, the excretory system consists of a pair of kidneys, one pair of ureters, a urinary bladder and a urethra (Figureure 1 1).

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