Aluminium example sentences

Bauxite, Al2O 2H2O and cryolite, Na3AlF6 are the important minerals of aluminium.When benzene is treated with an alkyl halide in the presence of anhydrous aluminium chloride, alkylbenene is formed.Aluminium is an important metal because it combines the strength of metals such as iron, with extreme lightness and also with good conductivity and great malleability.It is a powerful reducing agent and reduces almost all metal oxides other than those of the alkali and alkaline earth metals, aluminium and a few transition metals.Industries manufacturing aluminium, zinc and copper produce mud and tailings.Though, several ores contain aluminium, it is from bauxite, a clay-like substance that alumina and later aluminium is obtained.It comprises of potassium, aluminium, magnesium, iron, silica etc.In fact, aluminium is a highly electropositive metal.It consists of a piece of wire made of a metal or an alloy of appropriate melting point, for example aluminium, copper, iron, lead etc.On a weight-to-weight basis, the electrical conductivity of aluminium is twice that of copper.Aluminium forms a very thin oxide layer on the surface which protects the metal from further attack.Do you recall how the tester helped us in deciding that? We found that metals such as copper and aluminium conduct electricity whereas materials such as rubber, plastic and wood do not conduct electricity.Bauxite deposits are formed by the decomposition of a wide variety of rocks rich in aluminium silicates.He left the gap under aluminium and a gap under silicon, and called these elements Eka- Aluminium and Eka-Silicon.Boron is a typical non-metal, aluminium is a metal but shows many chemical similarities to boron, and gallium, indium and thallium are almost exclusively metallic in character.

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