Analytic example sentences

Some had worked with him and then moved on to develop their own versions of the psychoanalytic theory.The psychoanalytic theory tells us that a large part of human behaviour is governed by unconscious motives.Famous analytical psychologist Carl Jung has quite remarkably said, “How can I be substantial without casting a shadow? I must have a dark side, too, if I am to be whole and by becoming conscious of my shadow, I remember once more that I am a human being like any other”.Componential ntelligence : Componential or analytical intelligence is the analysis of information to solve problems.The basic goal of psychoanalytic therapy is to bring the repressed unconscious materials to consciousness, thereby helping people to live in a more self-aware and integrated manner.For evaluation purposes, particularly to develop the analytical ability of learners, teachers can refer to Economic Survey to get data for different years.Persons high on this ability think analytically and critically and succeed in schools.These theorists have been called neo-analytic, or post- Freudian in order to differentiate their work from Freud's.Manufacturing industries may be further classified into analytical, synthetical, processing and assembling industries.Faraday's first important work was on analytical chemistry.He developed his own theory of personality, called analytical psychology.

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