Annual example sentences

The central government to lay before both Houses of Parliament three statements – Medium-term Fiscal Policy Statement, The Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement, The Macroeconomic Framework Statement along with the Annual Financial Statement.By the early 1820s, about 10,000 crates were being annually smuggled into China.For example, the construction of golden quadrilateral corridor announced by the Prime Minister of India in one of the Annual General Meetings of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) will facilitate internal trade.In such a situation, the dividend declared in addition to the interim dividend at the time of presenting the Annual Report is termed as final dividend which is treated in the same manner in accounts as the proposed dividend.In the seventeenth century Jean Baptiste Tavernier, a diamond merchant, estimated that the horse trade at Kabul amounted to Rs 30,000 annually, which was a huge sum in those days.India publishes a large number of newspapers and periodicals annually.Some of the common peculiar items are explained as under: Subscriptions: Subscription is a membership fee paid by the member on annual basis.When debentures are repaid by annual drawings or in instalments, the discount should be written-off in the ratio of debentures outstanding as at the end of each accounting year.When debentures are repaid by annual drawings or in instalments, the discount should be written-off in the ratio of debentures outstanding as at the end of each accounting year.The Companies Act 1956 and the Income Tax Act require that the income statements should be prepared annually.Financial statements are the basic and formal annual reports through which the corporate management communicates financial information to its owners and various other external parties which include– investors, tax authorities, government, employees, etc.When debentures are repaid by annual drawings or in instalments, the discount should be written-off in the ratio of debentures outstanding as at the end of each accounting year.From the 20 houses, the net amount of rainwater harvested annually amounts to 1,00,000 litres.It was in 191 ” He had gone to the December 1916 annual convention of the Indian National Congress party in Lucknow.The general practice is to declare the dividend for an accounting year at the annual general meeting of the company while presenting the Annual Report (including Financial Statements) for approval, and it is shown as proposed dividend in the appropriation part of the profit and loss account (debit side) and so also in the balance sheet on the liabilitieis side under the heading 'Current Liabilities and Provisions'.

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