Ante example sentences

We must, therefore, learn about the determinants of the ex ante values of consumption, investment or aggregate output of the economy.They not only wanted to get rid of their colonial masters, but also wished to choose their future leaders.Despite constitutional guarantees, the Untouchables or, as they are now referred to, the Dalits, face violence and discrimination.But she wanted Rose to appreciate the complexity of the problem: “Do you think our problems will be solved if we get rid of our politicians?,” she asked.''My father came home and said that you wanted to sleep here in the forge tonight, and then I asked permission to come and bring you home to us.In the case of the companies limited by guarantee, the liability of its members is limited to the extent of the guarantee given by them in the event of the company being wound up.Similarly, there may be subsidies granted by the government on the prices of some commodities (in India petrol is heavily taxed by the government, whereas cooking gas is subsidised).Rulers granted different guilds the monopoly right to produce and trade in specific products.Right against Exploitation Once the right to liberty and equality is granted, it follows that every citizen has a right not to be exploited.It made them nervous and excited, and they stepped on things, and put things behind them, and then couldn't find them when they wanted them; and they packed the pies at the bottom, and put heavy things on top, and smashed the pies in.Such minds wanted a new view of the past that would show that Indians could be independent minded and had been so in history.Automatic permission was now granted for technology agreements with foreign companies.Unable to compete with Indian textiles, English producers wanted a secure market within the country by preventing the entry of Indian textiles.“Thinking probably that he would not give way, the representative of the planters offered to refund to the extent of 25 per cent, and to his amazement Mr.Rights are guarantees which can be used when things go wrong.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English