Assessing example sentences

Interview is a commonly used method for assessing personality.This chapter covers the technique of accounting ratios for analysing the information contained in financial statements for assessing the solvency, efficiency and profitability of the firms.f a person fails to adjust with members of her/ his family and neighbourhood, we may consider assessing her/his personality characteristics.Management accounting draws the relevant information mainly from financial accounting and cost accounting which helps the management in budgeting, assessing profitability, taking pricing decisions, capital expenditure decisions and so on.This ratio is very important from shareholders point of view in assessing whether their investment in the firm generates a reasonable return or not.Cash flow information is useful in assessing the ability of the enterprise to generate cash and cash equivalents and enables users to develop models to assess and compare the present value of the future cash flows of different enterprises.Basically, these are summarised financial reports which provide the operating results and financial position of companies, and the detailed information contained therein is useful for assessing the operational efficiency and financial soundness of a company.It also helps in assessing whether the firm is earning a higher return on capital employed as compared to the interest rate paid.These reports provide information that are useful to a variety of users who have an interest in assessing the financial performance and the position of an enterprise, planning and controlling business activities and making necessary decisions from time to time.A variety of projective techniques have been developed; they use various kinds of stimulus materials and situations for assessing personality.n tests of intelligence, the person has to think of the right solution to the problem and the focus is on assessing abilities such as memory, logical reasoning, accuracy, perceptual ability, and clear thinking.Increase in life expectancy and improvement in childcare are useful in assessing the future progress of the country.While assessing intelligence, psychologists often found that people with similar intelligence differed widely in acquiring certain knowledge or skills.Assessing importer's creditworthiness and securing a guarantee for payments: After receipt of the indent, the exporter makes necessary enquiry about the creditworthiness of the importer.

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