Away example sentences

The tribals had been deprived of modern health care and education, while their lands and forests had been taken away by more powerful outsiders.Fire could have been used for many things: as a source of light, to cook meat, and to scare away animals.आग का इस्तेमाल कई प्रकार से किया गया होगा जैसे कि प्रकाश के लिए, मांस पकाने के लिए और खतरनाक जानवरों को दूर आदि भगाने के लिए|For a moment I thought of running away and spending the day out of doors.As each chromosome moves away from the equatorial plate, the centromere of each chromosome is towards the pole and hence at the leading edge, with the arms of the chromosome trailing behind (Figureure 2 c).” Tilly's parents took her and her sister away from the beach, to the swimming pool at the hotel.The herds trampled over the saplings and munched away the shoots.Naturally, on a day like this, they didn't wait for Wanda Petronski on the corner of Oliver Street, the street that far, far away, under the railroad tracks and up the hill, led to Boggins Heights.All the security I had known, from my old school, my friends, my house and my cat had all been ripped away.I screamed and ran away and once again touched the signal.The rear carbon atom (the carbon atom away from the eye) is represented by a circle and the three hydrogen atoms are shown attached to it by the shorter lines drawn at an angle of 120° to each other.I walked away thinking, tomorrow I will do wazu, wear clean clothes and come here.He turned away sadly from the wrinkled shrewdness of that unpleasant face, and gazed up the valley, where the Stone Face seemed to say: He will come! Fear not, Ernest; the man will come! The years went on, and Ernest grew to be a young man.“Now why don't you transfer Timothy to another cage, away from this stupid leopard?” “But— sir —” stammered the keeper, “it is not your tiger.They are synthesised at places away from where they act and simply diffuse to the area of action.But I wasn't feeling too well that day, so I simply moved away.

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