Balls example sentences

They rose like windblown balls of fluff and were lost in the smoky grey of the wintry city.You are also familiar with naphthalene balls which are used in toilets and for preservation of clothes because of unique smell of the compound and the moth repellent property.He would play for hours with a selection of toys, ping-pong balls, marbles, rubber fruit, and a terrapin shell that I had brought back from his native marshes.While many important changes occurred during the nineteenth century (the rule about wide balls was applied, the exact circumference of the ball was specified, protective equipment like pads and gloves became available, boundaries were introduced where previously all shots had to be run and, most importantly, overarm bowling became legal) cricket remained a pre-industrial sport that matured during the early phase of the Industrial Revolution, the late eighteenth century.Interestingly, naphthalene balls used to repel moths and other insects are also obtained from coal tar.Sale of sports materials (used materials like old balls, bats, nets, etc) is the regular feature with any Sports Club.Sale of sports materials (used materials like old balls, bats, nets, etc) is the regular feature with any Sports Club.Spherical fullerenes are also called bucky balls in short.For making models of alkanes, you can use toothpicks for bonds and plasticine balls for atoms.

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