Beetle example sentences

Ebright thought the disease might be carried by a beetle.Once some beetles flew in; but nobody paid any attention to them, not even the littlest ones, who worked right on tracing their fish-hooks, as if that was French, too.Several beetles and grubs were feeding on the heap and a bunch of seedlings was sprouting.They also saw an army of tiny insects, millipedes, ants and beetle on them.An anthill is a home not only for ants but also for some other creatures—beetles, lesser breeds of ants and the greenfly.[teasing] My heart! What sort of a hunter are you? You ought to go and lie on the kitchen oven and catch black beetles, not go after foxes! My heart! Yes really, what sort of a hunter are you, anyway? You ought to sit at home with your palpitations, and not go tracking animals.He tried raising caterpillars in the presence of beetles.

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