Border example sentences
Due to increased cross border trade and investments, countries are no more isolated.Now, when goods move across national borders, money must move in the opposite direction.The change from metallic to non-metallic character is not abrupt as shown by the thick zig-zag line in Figureure The elements (e.g., silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium) bordering this line and running diagonally across the Periodic Table show properties that are characteristic of both metals and nonmetals.Elements which lie at the border line between metals and non-metals (e.g., Si, Ge, As) are called metalloids or semi-metals.New laws and new borders affect the patterns of their movement.All the goods imported into India have to pass through customs clearance after they cross the Indian borders.International business consists of transactions that are devised and carried out across national borders to satisfy the objectives of the individuals, companies and organisations.The secretions of the brush border cells of the mucosa alongwith the secretions of the goblet cells constitute the intestinal juice or succus entericus.The Partition of India in 1947 led to a massive transfer of populations on both sides of the new border.The textiles of Surat were famous for their gold lace borders (zari) and had a market in West Asia, Africa and Europe.The Border colour property specifies the colour of the Border and it is possible to select from a variety of colours.Trade in services denoted as invisible trade (because they are not seen to cross national borders) includes both factor income (payment for inputs-investment income, that is, the interest, profits and dividends on our assets abroad minus the income foreigners earn on assets they own in India) and non-factor income (shipping, banking, insurance, tourism, software services, etc.How could machines produce saris with intricate borders or cloths with traditional woven patterns? These had a wide demand not only amongst the rich but also amongst the middle classes.The Border style options are Transparent, Solid, Dashes, Dots, etc.The national economies are increasingly becoming borderless and getting integrated into the world economy.
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