Buried example sentences

The coal which we are using today was formed millions of years ago when giant ferns and swamps got buried under the layers of earth.Sello-taped to the top of it was a piece of lined notepaper, and written on it in shaky handwriting: “Jim's last letter, received January 25, 191 To be buried with me when the time comes.Sand buried fences, covered fields, and coated the surfaces of rivers till the fish died.By this time poor Mr Gathergold was dead and buried.The process of taking out minerals from rocks buried under the earth's surface is called mining.Coal that has been buried deep and subjected to increased temperatures is bituminous coal.Remains of plants and animals which were buried under the earth for millions of years got converted by the heat and pressure into fossil fuels.Due to natural processes, like flooding, these forests got buried under the soil.Pranjol buried his nose in his detective book again.

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