Calculating example sentences
While calculating quick assets we exclude the closing stock and prepaid expenses from the current assets.Since the value of expenditure must be equal to the value of goods and services, we can equivalently measure the aggregate income by calculating the aggregate value of goods and services produced by the firms.Originally they were used for computing, that is to say calculating, very difficult mathematical sums.It is to be noted that while calculating the value added we are taking the value of production of firm.It is necessary to take into account such an expected loss while calculating true and fair profit/loss according to the principle of Prudence or Conservatism.We derive the formulae for calculating the aggregate income of an economy by each of these methods.Ratio analysis is a tool of financial analysis which involves the methods of calculating and interpreting financial ratios in order to assess the strengths and weaknesses in the performance of a business enterprise.Provision is deducted before calculating taxable profits.Many improvements have been suggested in calculating HDI and many new components have been added to the Human Development Report but, by pre-fixing Human to Development, it has made it very clear that what is important in development is what is happening to citizens of a country.Straight line and written down value methods are generally used for calculating depreciation amount in practice.The error (or errors) may have occured at one of those stages in the accounting process: (1) totalling of subsidiary books, (2) posting of journal entries in the ledger, (3) calculating account balances, (4) carrying account balances to the trial balance, and (5) totalling the trial balance columns.
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