Capture example sentences
He was captured, tried and killed in April 185 Just as victories against the British had earlier encouraged rebellion, the defeat of rebel forces encouraged desertions.Fishing can thus be done both by capture and culture of fish in marine and freshwater ecosystems.The accounting data is captured through these entities.He and his wife Begum Zinat Mahal were sent to prison in Rangoon in October 185 Bahadur Shah Zafar died in the Rangoon jail in November 186 The recapture of Delhi, however, did not mean that the rebellion died down after that.Delhi was recaptured from the rebel forces in September 185 The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar was tried in court and sentenced to life imprisonment.While capture fishing is also done in such inland water bodies, the yield is not high.That breath of life comes in other ways, and it is for us now to make this Plan, which is enshrined in cold print, something living, vital and dynamic, which captures the imagination of the people.In all the time I did it, he laughed, only two butterflies I had tagged were recaptured and they were not more than seventy-five miles from where I lived.The Macroeconomic Framework Statement assesses the prospects of the economy with respect to the GDP growth rate, fiscal balance of the central government and external balance When a government spends more than it collects by way of revenue, it incurs a budget deficit There are various measures that capture government deficit and they have their own implications for the economy.To begin with, a psychologist may begin with carefully scrutinising the physical setting in order to capture its “atmosphere”.Under Aurangzeb, Mughal forces captured many Chero fortresses and subjugated the tribe.These communities have used hundreds of indigenous water saving methods to capture every trickle of water that had fallen on their land; dug small pits and lakes, put in place simple watershed systems, built small earthen dams, constructed dykes, sand and limestone reservoirs, set up rooftop water-collecting units.However models do not want to capture an economy in its every minute detail – their purpose is to highlight some essential features of the functioning of an economic system.One is from natural resources, which is called capture fishing.You will study this history through the story of one game that in India has captured the imagination of the nation for some decades.
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