Caste example sentences

Ambedkar and Periyar Ramaswami Naicker advocated and worked to establish a society in which caste inequalities are absent.Mirabai became a disciple of Ravidas, a saint from a caste considered “untouchable”.People belong to different regions, speak different languages, practise different religions and have different castes.Thus, the Act sets out to punish anyone who wrongfully occupies or cultivates any land owned by, or allotted to, … a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe or gets the land allotted to him transferred; At another level, the Act recognizes that crimes against Dalit and tribal women are of a specific kind and, therefore, seeks to penalise anyone who assaults or uses force on any woman belonging to a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe with intent to dishonour her.When parties choose candidates in elections, they keep in mind the caste composition of the electorate and nominate candidates from different castes so as to muster necessary support to win elections.It refers to any belief or social practice which looks down upon people on account of their birth with certain caste labels.Although every caste has some members who are rich, the upper castes are heavily over-represented among the rich while the lower castes are severely under-represented.There were very few castes of artisans, so artisans in the Ahom areas came from the adjoining kingdoms.Like the Scheduled Castes, these Indians too had been deprived and discriminated against.In a SC reserved constituency only someone who belongs to the Scheduled Castes can stand for election.As the Aryans established their dominance, they began looking at the defeated population as inferior, as lowcaste people.Members of the same caste group were supposed to form a social community that practiced the same or similar occupation, married within the caste group and did not eat with members from other caste groups.Between the eighth and fourteenth centuries the term was applied more generally to a body of warriors who claimed Kshatriya caste status.These are related to caste, class, religion, region, language, just to name a few of them.They saw it as a collection of castes and races and religious communities and gave themselves the credit for unifying the sub-continent.

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