Caution example sentences
He further cautions him that each method has its own advantages and limitations and his final choice should be based on factors like the purpose and period for which funds are required.Prof Ahmad cautioned children that they should not go deep into the forest.We need to use these resources with due caution for our economic and social growth, and to meet our material aspirations.It is also necessary to sound a note of caution at this stage.Didn't his doctor tell him to take special precautions against the cold? But he wouldn't remember to put on a sweater even if it was lying on his bedside chair! How could he when Dibya had put her spell on him? She picked up the white woollen pullover, wrapped herself in a shawl and made her way to the roof, to break up his tete-a-tete with Dibya.Fertilizers should be applied carefully in terms of proper dose, time, and observing preand post-application precautions for their complete utilisation.Consider the following examples: A supervisor explains a worker about operations to be carried by him on a lathe machine, A mining engineer explains about safety precautions to be followed while working in a coal mine, A Managing Director declares share in the profits to the managers for their contribution to inhance profits of the company, and A manager inspires his/her employees by playing a lead role in performing a work.For obtaining the IEC number, a firm has to apply to the Director General for Foreign Trade (DGFT) with documents such as exporter/importer profile, bank receipt for requisite fee, certificate from the banker on the prescribed form, two copies of photographs attested by the banker, details of the non-resident interest and declaration about the applicant's non association with caution listed firms.Your elders might have cautioned you against touching an electrical appliance with wet hands.It cautioned young men of well-to-do families against the dangerous influences of bad company and consequent loose morals.
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