Cha example sentences

Change in cropping pattern for example from cereals to high-value crops will mean that India will have to import food.The practice of untouchability has been forbidden in any form.Such an influence on human emotions is a traumatic experience that changes people's lives forever, and can last for a very long time after the actual event in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).It is also clear that structures I and I have continuous chain of carbon atoms but structures , and have a branched chain.One such efficient mechanism is carried out by juxta glomerular apparatus (JGA).It is over 80 per cent of the total area in Punjab and Haryana and less than 10 per cent in Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and Andaman Nicobar Islands.Suppose RBI purchases Rs 100 worth government securities from the bond market.Some of us know our pattern of stress response and can gauge the depth of the problem by the nature and severity of our own symptoms or changes in behaviour.Unsecured debentures do not have a specific a charge on the assets of the company.When imports increase, the demand curve for foreign exchange shifts to the right.People, who are able to change their behaviour according to the demands of the external environment, are high on selfmonitoring.conductors of electricity as we have seen in Chapter From the data on the boiling and melting points of the above compounds, we can conclude that the forces of attraction between these molecules are not very strong.In India, all foreign exchange transactions are regulated by the Exchange Control Department of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).A person holding money can easily exchange it for any commodity or service that he or she might want.Although some aspects of our identity are determined by physical characteristics, we may acquire other aspects as a consequence of our interaction with others in society.

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