Chemical example sentences

Photochemical smog occurs in warm, dry and sunny climate.Hazardous wastes such as inflammables, composite explosives or highly reactive substances are produced by industries dealing in metals, chemicals, drugs, pharmaceuticals, dyes, pesticides, rubber goods etc.It is possible to relate heat of reaction to changes in energy associated with breaking and making of chemical bonds.They produce chemicals, locomotive parts, agricultural equipment, machinery, tinplate, cable and wire.There are special chemicals which act as hormones and provide chemical coordination, integration and regulation in the human body.It is one of the most common applications of chemical effects of electric current.Therefore, for most of the chemical reactions there are changes in both enthalpy and entropy.During mid-1960s, three independent researches reported the purification and chemical characterisation of three different kinds of inhibitors: inhibitor-B, abscission and dormin.Equilibrium whether in a physical or in a chemical system, is always of dynamic nature.Ozone is a toxic gas and both NO2 and O3 are strong oxidising agents and can react with the unburnt hydrocarbons in the polluted air to produce chemicals such as formaldehyde, acrolein and peroxyacetyl nitrate.How do we come to know that a chemical reaction has taken place? Let us perform some activities to find the answer to these questions.A chemical equation is balanced so that the numbers of atoms of each type involved in a chemical reaction are the same on the reactant and product sides of the equation.If 'hydro' means water and 'chemo' refers to chemicals, what would 'hydrotropism' and 'chemotropism' mean? Can we think of examples of these kinds of directional growth movements? One example of chemotropism is the growth of pollen tubes towards ovules, about which we will learn more when we examine the reproductive processes of living organisms.The reductionist approach to study of life forms resulted in increasing use of physico-chemical concepts and techniques.The dynamic nature of chemical equilibrium can be demonstrated in the synthesis of ammonia by Haber's process.

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