Chin example sentences

First, MNCs can provide money for additional investments, like buying new machines for faster production.Nearly half of the voting power in the IMF is in the hands of only seven countries (US, Japan, France, UK, Saudi Arabia, China and Russia).In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, European countries were searching for spices and textiles, which had become popular both in Europe and West Asia.Machines produced in an economy in a given year are not 'used up' to produce other goods but yield their services over a number of years.The princesses were very proud of their parrots and they spent an hour every day in teaching them to talk.Many people were uneasy with such ideas and turned to the teachings of the Buddha or the Jainas according to which it was possible to overcome social differences and break the cycle of rebirth through personal effort.Supporters or hired musclemen of party or a candidate gain physical control of a polling booth and cast false votes by threatening everyone or by preventing genuine voters from reaching the polling booth.But the game he is watching so intently is out of his reach.On the other hand, the benefit of an expenditure lasts for more than a year, it is treated as an asset (also called capital expenditure) such as purchase of machinery, furniture, etc.Consider the following examples: A supervisor explains a worker about operations to be carried by him on a lathe machine, A mining engineer explains about safety precautions to be followed while working in a coal mine, A Managing Director declares share in the profits to the managers for their contribution to inhance profits of the company, and A manager inspires his/her employees by playing a lead role in performing a work.Gujarati traders, including the communities of Hindu Baniyas and Muslim Bohras, traded extensively with the ports of the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, East Africa, Southeast Asia and China.It was unloaded in a number of sea ports of south-eastern China and carried by local agents to the interiors.You ought to have seen how every one set to work, and how quiet it was! The only sound was the scratching of the pens over the paper.He himself used the terms nam, dan and isnan for the essence of his teaching, which actually meant right worship, welfare of others and purity of conduct.Let us consider a new machine that a firm invests in.

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