Cist example sentences

' And I started, because I had quite forgotten that this most brilliant and completely paralysed astrophysicist the author of A Brief History of Time, one of the biggest best-sellers ever, lived here.But the white racist government continued to rule by detaining, torturing and killing thousands of black and coloured people.The colonial flavour of world cricket during the 1950s and 1960s can be seen from the fact that England and the other white commonwealth countries, Australia and New Zealand, continued to play Test cricket with South Africa, a racist state that practised a policy of racial segregation which, among other things, barred non-whites (who made up the majority of South Africa s population) from representing that country in Test matches.Several countries denounced apartheid as unjust and racist.Astronomers, computer scientists, nuclear physicists, space technologists, biologists, all were there.On the one hand, it is a solemn pact in which we, as South Africans, declare to one another that we shall never permit a repetition of our racist, brutal and repressive past.The rivalry between the Parsis and the racist Bombay Gymkhana had a happy ending for these pioneers of Indian cricket.In 1913, the English physicist, Henry Moseley observed regularities in the characteristic -ray spectra of the elements.

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