City example sentences

For example, selling electricity at the cost of generation may push up the costs of production of industries.The use of manure improves soil texture as well as its water retaining capacity.A dozen other buildings in the city are said to have been his residence.” After dark she walked by the canal, along a sheltered path lighted only by the glare of the lamps from the wharf across the water, and the unceasing drone of the city was muffled and distant.This steam is used to drive turbines and generate electricity.Nearly every household in the city has a roof top rain water harvesting structure.Those who once set the style in clothes now went naked; and those who owned property were now homeless … The New City (Shahjahanabad) was turned into rubble.The work done on the object will cause a change in its velocity.In both cases the capacity of the economy to produce more output in the future rises.Do you recall how the tester helped us in deciding that? We found that metals such as copper and aluminium conduct electricity whereas materials such as rubber, plastic and wood do not conduct electricity.Slowly the community breaks up and the Mallas start figurehting amongst themselves as new cultural influences from the city start penetrating their lives.If, at present, the economy sets aside a greater fraction of its output for investment purpose, its capacity to produce more output in the future rises.The new city also had to be a clean and healthy space.The incomes so generated create the capacity to purchase the final consumption goods and thus enable their sale by the business enterprises, the basic object of their production.All creative acts require some minimum ability to acquire knowledge and capacity to comprehend, retain, and retrieve.

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