Cod example sentences
Ethical code of conduct: All professions are bound by a code of conduct which guides the behaviour of its members.In the delta area, Bengal tiger, crocodiles and alligator are found.This column is meant to store the account codes, which in the context of debit voucher are debit accounts and in the context of credit voucher are credit accounts.” “Come close, little one, for I am the crocodile,” and he shed crocodile tears to show it was quite true.This column is meant to store the name of an account corresponding to the account code by which it is identified.However, the Napoleonic Code went back to limited suffrage and reduced women to the status of a minor, subject to the authority of fathers and husbands.He met a python and asked him, “Have you ever seen a crocodile? What does he look like? What does he have for dinner?” The python uncoiled himself from the branch of a tree but said nothing.However, its data type is normally taken as text because it is amenable to any type of numbering, coding or ordering scheme: numeric, alpha-numeric or formatted reference.The crocodile slipped into the water making it all creamy with great sweeps of his tail, and he also pulled and pulled.Similarly, Code is a key attribute of entity type Accounts because its data values are required to be unique.The Sufis often rejected the elaborate rituals and codes of behaviour demanded by Muslim religious scholars.The three can be compared on the basis of mode of establishment, nature of work, qualification required, reward or return, capital investment, risk, transfer of interest and code of conduct.This Code was exported to the regions under French control.As you can see that in any communication process, the degree to which the communication is effective depends on the communicators' mutual understanding of the signals or codes being used in transmitting a message and in receiving.These are then interpreted, decoded and used by management and other user groups.
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