Colony example sentences

Let us now move to India to see how a colony industrialises.This feature is reflected, for instance, in the distance between houses in a colony, the location of rooms within a home, or in the arrangement of work desks and seats in an office for formal and informal gatherings.Would you have been friends if you were not living in the same colony, or going to the same school, or may be playing in the same playground? Probably your answer would be 'No'.The queen is the mother of the entire population of the colony.Mining of diamond and gold in South Africa led to the establishment of trade ties with Britain and gradually South Africa became a British Colony.He lives in Welcome Mazdoor Colony, a slum habitation in East Delhi.The first Test was played between England and Australia when Australia was still a white settler colony, not even a self-governing dominion.Ghana used to be a British colony named Gold Coast.The first Test was played between England and Australia when Australia was still a white-settler colony.If you are living in a residential colony, you might have noticed name boards of Resident Welfare Associations.

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