Communicator example sentences

Emotional or psychological factors acts as barriers to communicators.To be effective, a communicator must know how to use language appropriately.You (communicator A) encoded a message (you need a pen) and used a channel for transmitting it (vocal chords producing sound waves) to your friend (communicator B).The communicator may ensure the success of communication by asking questions regarding the message conveyed.The opening of interview involves establishing rapport between two communicators.As you can see that in any communication process, the degree to which the communication is effective depends on the communicators' mutual understanding of the signals or codes being used in transmitting a message and in receiving.Learning how to be an effective communicator is not just an academic exercise.The characteristics of communication are outlined in Box The process of communication can be accidental (having no intent), expressive (resulting from the emotional state of the person), or rhetorical (resulting from the specific goal of the communicator).The body movement and gestures of communicator matters so much in conveying the message.The level of understanding of receiver should be crystal clear to the communicator.Long distance communication is far easier without physical movement of the communicator or receiver.Asian cultures, such as India, emphasise on listening by being a silent communicator when receiving messages from seniors or elders.

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