Compare example sentences
Therefore, in order to compare the GDP figureures (and other macroeconomic variables) of different countries or to compare the GDP figureures of the same country at different points of time, we cannot rely on GDPs evaluated at current market prices.In order to examine the effects of allowing for foreign trade in the incomeexpenditure framework, we need to compare equation ( 10) with the equivalent expression for the equilibrium income in a closed economy model.While making the leasing decision, the cost of leasing an asset must be compared with the cost of owning the same.Compare your list and reactions with those of others in class.Small scale industries use lesser amount of capital and technology as compared to large scale industries that produce large volumes of products.8 per cent as compared to those of other developing countries such as China ( 9 per cent), Hong Kong ( 0 per cent), South Korea ( 6 per cent), Malaysia ( 3 per cent), Singapore ( 9 per cent), and Thailand ( 1 per cent).A statement of affairs is prepared from incomplete records where most of the assets are recorded on the basis of estimates as compared to a balance sheet which is prepared from records maintained on the basis of double entry book-keeping and all assets and liabilities can be verified from the ledger accounts.Similarly compare, items on the payments side of the Receipt and Payment Account with expenditure side of the Income and Expenditure Account.If more than one value is to be compared with an attribute, the value set can be given in Where clause by specifying IN operator.Compared with the itinerant traders, normally they have greater resources and operate at a relatively large scale.In other words, as compared to the equity shareholders, the preference shareholders have a preferential claim over dividend and repayment of capital.But it is equally important that the users of the general purpose financial reports are able to compare various aspects of an entity over different time period and with other entities.Also, whenever you can, try and compare what you read in this book with what you read last year.A role-play could be conceived to compare and contrast the pre and post-liberalisation era.For instance, Human Development Report published by UNDP compares countries based on the educational levels of the people, their health status and per capita income.
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