Complement example sentences

Members of teams often have complementary skills and are committed to a common goal or purpose.The 100 per cent Export Oriented Units scheme, introduced in early 1981, is complementary to the EPZ scheme.Since consumption is the complement of savings (additional income of the economy is either put into additional savings or used for extra consumption by the people), if we subtract the mps from 1, we get the marginal propensity to consume (mpc), which, in a similar way, is the fraction of total additional income that people use for consumption.Here, both the State and the private sector would play important and complementary roles in increasing production and generating jobs.Management as an art and a science are therefore not mutually exclusive, but complement each other.Therefore, transport, communication and trade are complementary to each other.In debit voucher, the debit accounts are displayed in Debit Accounts Grid and therefore the complementing account is the account to be credited.It would, hoever, be clear that each region complements the other and makes the country richer in its natural resources.Are you aware of some examples where you have studied about haploid and diploid insects? Mitosis results in the production of diploid daughter cells with identical genetic complement usually.Therefore, the complementing debit account need be stored in this column.The title of Entries Grid and Text box to the left of a list control are used to select an account to be debited or credited (the complementing account) against the accounts being mentioned in the Entries Grid are also calculated text controls.This column is meant to store the complementing account code, which in the context of debit voucher is credit account and in the context of credit voucher is a debit account.

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