Confused example sentences

The multiple member-attitudes within an attitude system should not be confused with the three components described earlier.He is worried and confused, as he has no idea as to how and from where he should obtain additional funds.In this situation, many were confused about what the Bolshevik government represented.) Confused and unable to help, my hair went into panic mode.Equation ( 3) should not, therefore, be confused with the accounting identity of Chapter 2, which states that the ex post value of total output must always be equal to the sum total of ex post consumption and ex post investment in the economy.THE King and Queen of Siam had many daughters, and the Queen said that it confused her to have to remember so many names.” “Something in a cage?” Mr Purcell was a bit confused, “You mean—some sort of pet?” “I mean what 1 said,” snapped the man.The confused bandsmen thought this was the end of the ceremony and struck up a closing song.Mars Space Control and the Centerville Public Library Captain Omega stands at centre, opening and closing card catalogue drawers in a confused fashion.The consumer is confused because you really cannot tell the difference between 'Top Taste Daal' and 'Best Taste Daal'.“She's rather confused today so we thought it best if she had a good rest.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English