Cycle example sentences
Thus, there is a nitrogen-cycle in nature in which nitrogen passes from its elemental form in the atmosphere into simple molecules in the soil and water, which get converted to more complex molecules in living beings and back again to the simple nitrogen molecule in the atmosphere.Though these plants have the C4 oxaloacetic acid as the first CO2 fixation product they use the C3 pathway or the Calvin cycle as the main biosynthetic pathway.Meiosis ensures the production of haploid phase in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms whereas fertilisation restores the diploid phase.If there were fewer trees, how will the water cycle be affected? Tibu told them that the forest is not just home to plants and animals.Outside the pub she passed her father's bicycle propped against the wall, and was glad.But when we talk of the oxygen-cycle, we are mainly referring to the cycle that maintains the levels of oxygen in the atmosphere.The resulting lowered motivational level only makes the situation worse; the cycle starts and continues again.Breaking the poverty cycle, and helping the poor to attain self-sufficiency — Initially, financial relief, medical and other facilities may have to be provided to the poor.He would catch a female monarch, take her eggs, and raise them in his basement through their life cycle, from egg to caterpillar to pupa to adult butterfly.and with a maximum input of organic manures, recycled farm-wastes (straw and livestock excreta), use of bio-agents such as culture of blue green algae in preparation of biofertilizers, neem leaves or turmeric specifically in grain storage as bio-pesticides, with healthy cropping systems [mixed cropping, inter-cropping and crop rotation as discussed below in 1 ].Ovary is the primary female sex organ which produces one ovum during each menstrual cycle.Can you think of other things that you can reduce the usage of ? This means that you collect plastic, paper, glass and metal items and recycle these materials to make required things instead of synthesising or extracting fresh plastic, paper, glass or metal.When you want to say 'a well-oiled bicycle,' and actually say 'a well-boiled icicle', you have spoken a spoonerism—changing round, accidentally, the initial sounds of two or more words when speaking.The interphase lasts more than 95% of the duration of cell cycle.Carboxylation is the most crucial step of the Calvin cycle where CO2 is utilised for the carboxylation of RuBP.
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