Darling example sentences

Now, you know, you shouldn't forget all about your neighbours, my darling.But economic good sense ensures that the proposal is made, after all — although the quarrelling perhaps continues! My dear fellow, whom do I see! Ivan assilevitch! I am extremely glad! [Squeezes his hand] Now this is a surprise, my darling.Oh, don't go round and round it, darling! Spit it out! Well? One moment.I'll prove to you that they're mine! You won't prove it, my darling — Dear one, why yell like that? You won't prove anything just by yelling.[greatly moved] Honoured Stepan Stepanovitch, do you think I may count on her consent? Why, of course, my darling, and.Let me explain to him, darling! said his father who had just got up.

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