Depart example sentences
All the purchases in a department store are made centrally by the purchase department of the store, whereas sales are decentralised in different departments.Accordingly, the Department changed its strategy, making a beginning in the Arabari forest range of Midnapore district.The Museum of Ancient History: Department of the Twentieth Century on the Planet Earth Spotlight shines on Historian, who is sitting at a table down right, on which is a movie projector.Each department and employee is governed by predetermined standards which are well coordinated with one another.Similarly, people who work in the offices of banks, insurance companies or government department, as managers, assistants, clerks, peons or security guards are the employees of these organisations.The decision of the Cabinet was sent to the Department of Personnel and Training.In Chennai, the department has taken several initiatives for harvesting rain water to increase the level of groundwater.The officer was merely implementing the instructions given by the Minister of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, of which the Department was a part.They had to move because the Forest Department permits that had been issued to them now ruled their lives.It has a number of departments, each one confining its activities to one kind of product.Whatever profit the department makes is used to improve the water supply.The senior officers of the Department drafted an order in line with the Cabinet decision and took the minister's approval.Some people argue that since the government is unable to supply the amount of water that is needed and many of the municipal water departments are running at a loss, we should allow private companies to take over the task of water supply.Poor families were identified by the respective state rural development departments through a Below Poverty Line (BPL) survey.The Joint Secretary, an officer in the Department of Personnel and Training in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, signed the Order.
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