Designed example sentences

Access responds by displaying a New Form window in which design view option among others appears by default along with a list control to select a table or query which is to act as underlying data source for the voucher being designed.In this section, we will discuss skills, concepts, and methods that are designed to help develop concrete competencies.The major elements of ER Model are entities, attributes, identifiers and relationships that are used to express a reality for which a database is to be designed.This data entry form is designed in a manner that it is similar to physical voucher document.To assert the change, new uniforms were designed for the army and officials, following a clothing competition organised in 1918 – when the Soviet hat (budeonovka) was chosen.The name SQL stands for Structured Query Language, which was originally called SEQUEL (Structured English QUEry Language), designed and implemented at IBM Research as an interface for experimental relational database system called SYSTEM-R.Report wizard prompts the designer to specify the title of report being designed.Every report is expected to meet certain objectives of reporting for which it is designed and developed.It refers to some aspect of real world situation, for which database is to be designed.The data entry form is designed using software and it is made to appear on the computer monitor so that the data is entered.Database is designed, built and populated (or loaded) with data for a specific purpose.A news magazine published for London readers is to be designed and printed in Delhi.The accounting information system should be designed in such a way that the right information is communicated to the right person at the right time.Its field size is required to have a length of six characters because every account is designed to have six digits at leaf level.It has been designed as a summary of information regarding a duly accepted bill received by a drawer.

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