Desirable example sentences

But neither it is possible for all of them to participate in the management of the company nor considered desirable.Often, stereotypes consist of undesirable characteristics about the target group, and they lead to negative attitudes or prejudices towards members of specific groups.In fact, a proper system of accounting is desirable to avoid or minimise the chances of misappropriations or embezzlement of the funds contributed by the members and other donors.We are not going to give here a list of desirable political reforms, for there cannot be any such list.One way of incorporating desirable characters into crop varieties is by hybridisation.As you know, advertisements make products appear desirable and necessary.Desirable agronomic characteristics: Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characters for fodder crops.That way they help in eliminating undesirable middlemen between the producers and the customers; and They have centralised purchasing arrangements.The removal of desirable substances from water-bodies.The addition of undesirable substances to water-bodies.It is desirable to set this property to No for those controls whose values are rarely changed.Environmental pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in the surrounding that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings.When they do so, they often do it in a socially desirable manner.Why do people follow group norms, when the only 'punishment' they may face if they do not, is the displeasure of the group, or being perceived as 'different'? Why do people conform even when they know that the norm itself is not desirable? It seems that the tendency to follow a norm is natural, and does not need any special explanation.Environmental pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our surroundings that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings.

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