Directing example sentences

In all these situations, we can observe that directing is done to achieve some predetermined objective.The importance of directing can be understood by the fact that every action in the organisation is initiated through directing only.The groups which direct the incoming group to ortho and para positions are called ortho and para directing groups.Certain guiding principles of directing may help in directing process.Directing helps to initiate action by people in the organisation towards attainment of desired objectives.The process of directing involves guiding, coaching, instructing, motivating, leading the people in an organisation to achieve organisational objectives.The groups which direct the incoming group to meta position are called meta directing groups.Management increases efficiency: The aim of a manager is to reduce costs and increase productivity through better planning, organising, directing, staffing and controlling the activities of the organisation.In order to ensure that these plans are executed according to plans directing is required.Directing integrates people towards achievement of common objectives.Effective directing through motivation, communication and leadership helps to reduce such resistance and develop required cooperation in introducing changes in the organisation.Management is described as the process of planning, organising, directing and controlling the efforts of organisational members and of using organisational resources to achieve specific goals.Supervision being an element of directing, every manager in the organisation supervises his/her subordinates.The directing takes place wherever superior subordinate relations exist.The principles which guide effective directing may be classified as principles related to the purpose of directing and principles related to direction process.

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