Dislike example sentences

They were not against the existence of private property but disliked concentration of property in the hands of a few.” The coins disliked what I'd said so much that all of them began to speak at the same time.The cognitive component of prejudice is frequently accompanied by dislike or hatred, the affective component.Behaving in a way that differs from the expected form of behaviour may lead to disapproval or dislike by others, which is a form of social punishment.To that information you will add your likes and dislikes.The buyers are not in a position to examine the products before buying and the sellers cannot pay personal attention to the likes and dislikes of the buyers and cannot clear all their doubts through catalogues and advertisements.On the other hand, the person may also perform the violent act in order to damage the vehicle, because it belongs to a person s/he dislikes.This means that the person dislikes the idea of nuclear research, and thinks it is something bad.For example, friends tell you what they like and dislike about you.

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