Dividual example sentences

You would also have observed that organisations look for individuals with specific qualifications and experience to manage them.These observations often generate curiosity and force us to ask: “Why is it that some people react differently in a given situation than others do? Why is it that some people enjoy adventurous activities, while others like reading, watching television or playing cards? Are these differences stable all through one's life, or are they just shortlived and situation-specific?” A number of approaches and theories have been developed to understand and explain behavioural differences among individuals, and behavioural consistencies within an individual.Since, money has the purchasing power, it becomes very important incentive for every individual.Individual consumers often find themselves in a weak position.A cooperative goal, on the other hand, is one in which each individual can attain the goal only if other members of the group also attain the goal.To get such services we have to pay money to these individuals and companies.However, different plant groups as well as individuals may show different patterns of life cycles – haplontic, diplontic or intermediate.The anxious individual also shows combinations of the following symptoms: rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, fainting, dizziness, sweating, sleeplessness, frequent urination and tremors.They attempt to put individuals into certain categories in terms of their behavioural qualities.This made people realise that the existing laws, though weak, only covered the individual worker and not persons who might be injured due to industrial accidents.We have seen (Chapters 2 and 5) that temples and other religious structures were often built by individuals or groups who were becoming powerful – to both demonstrate their power and proclaim their piety.Milgram conducted an experiment to show that individuals obey commands from people who are strangers.As a technique of financial analysis, accounting ratios measure the comparative significance of the individual items of the income and position statements.So the individual performs worse in the presence of others than s/he does when alone.Thus, in terms of individual functioning Freud thought of the unconscious as being composed of three competing forces.

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