Doubled example sentences

Since pressure has doubled, the equilibrium now shifts in the forward direction, a direction in which the number of moles of the gas or pressure decreases (we know pressure is proportional to moles of the gas).In 1999, less than 30 years later, the population doubled to 6 billion.When a wire is doubled on it, its length would become half and area of cross-section would double.In fact, the percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is said to have doubled since the industrial revolution when human beings started burning fossil fuels on a very large scale.Then, total pressure will be doubled (according to p = constant).It is observed that the ammeter reading decreases to one-half when the length of the wire is doubled.When volume of the reaction mixture is halved, the partial pressure and the concentration are doubled.Cotton piecegoods production in India doubled between 1900 and 191 Yet, till the First World War, industrial growth was slow.By 1865, the number of identified elements had more than doubled to 6 At present 114 elements are known.If the resistance is doubled the current gets halved.The number of workers employed in the transport industry doubled in the 1840s, and doubled again in the subsequent 30 years.Coal production doubled and iron and steel output quadrupled.

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